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Event Information

The Twelfth Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was held at ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile, from September 26 to 28, 2023. It was organized by ECLAC and the Government of Argentina, through the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC).

Previously, within the framework of this twelfth meeting, on September 25, 2023, the "21ᵃ International Meeting of Specialists in Information on Time Use and Unpaid Work" took place, whose objective is to promote technical exchange around surveys, modules or sets of questions for the measurement of time use among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The following substantive topics were presented and discussed at this twelfth meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA):

The States members also reviewed  the outcomes of the Biennial Program of Regional and International Cooperation Activities 2022-2023 of the Conference and the proposals for the creation of the working groups for the 2024-2025 biennium were presented and approved, and the new Executive Committee of the Conference was elected for that period. The new Executive Committee is composed of Argentina, Bahamas, Dominican Republic (Chair), Grenada, Mexico, Peru, Spain and Uruguay.


Argentina, in its capacity as Chair of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC (2022-2023 biennium), was preside over this Twelfth meeting of the SCA.

Consult the Programme of the meeting to review each of the sessions, as well as the presentations and videos.