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Event Information

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Event Information

Meeting venue

The ninth meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC will take place from 14 to 16 November 2017 in the auditorium of the National Statistics and Geography Institute (INEGI) headquarters building..

National Statistics and Geography Institute (INEGI)

Address: Avenida Héroe de Nacozari Sur, No. 2301

Fraccionamiento Jardines del Parque

Aguascalientes, Ags., Mexico

Coordination of the meeting

The meeting is being organized by ECLAC and the Government of Mexico, through INEGI.

Questions on substantive matters related to the meeting may be addressed to Xavier Mancero, Chief of the Social Statistics Unit of the ECLAC Statistics Division.

Questions on operational matters related to the meeting may be addressed to Paula Warnken, Protocol Assistant of the Secretariat of the Commission, or Paula Fuenzalida, Secretary of the ECLAC Statistics Division.

Hotel reservations

INEGI recommends 3 hotels, which are offering special rates for the meeting. Rates are given in Mexican pesos and include taxes, breakfast and Internet.

Reservations should be sent by email to Gloria Mercedes Huerta Palacios,, no later than 23 October 2017.

After that date, the hotels reserve the right to change their prices and cannot guarantee room availability. Please use the FORM TO REQUEST YOUR RESERVATION.


Soon the online registration system will be available.

Delegate registration will begin on Tuesday, 14 November, at 8 a.m., in the auditorium of the INEGI building. Participants will receive an ID badge that, for security reasons, will be required for admission to the meeting’s sessions.

For further information on participant accreditation, please contact Paula Warnken or Paula Fuenzalida.

Online registration does not exempt delegations from the requirement to provide official notification of the name of the head of delegation and all accompanying members.

National delegations are reminded of their obligation to inform their embassies in Mexico that they will be attending the meeting.

For more detailed information about the meeting: GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE MEETING.