
Mon, Nov 18 2019

Tue, Nov 19 2019

  • Celso Furtado conference room (lobby)

    08:30 am to 09:00 am

Tue, Nov 19 2019

Venue of the meeting

Avda. Dag Hammarskjold 3477
Vitacura - Metropolitana de Santiago
Mapa Cepal Openstreet chile

About the event

The Statistical Conference of the Americas of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is a subsidiary body of the Commission established pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 2000/7, in which the Conference was entrusted with the following mandates, among others: to promote the development and improvement of national statistics and work to ensure that they are comparable internationally, bearing in mind the recommendations of the United Nations Statistical Commission, the specialized agencies and other relevant organizations; to promote international, regional and bilateral cooperation among national offices and international and regional agencies; and to draw up a biennial programme of regional and international cooperation activities which, subject to the availability of resources, will meet the needs of the countries of the region. 

A High-level seminar on the future of economic statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean took place on 18 November ahead of the meeting of the Conference.

Declaration on the Integration of Geospatial and Statistical Information

Resolution 11(X)


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